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Radical Translations

Tazio Morandini


Tazio Morandini is Postdoctoral fellow at University of Milan Bicocca and at the University of Turin. He received his PhD at the doctoral school in Historical Sciences of the University of Turin. He collaborated to "Radical Translations" as Research Fellow based at the University of Milan Bicocca. An alumnus of the University of Turin, he graduated with a thesis on the politicisation and revolutionary practices of the Piedmontese patriots between 1789 and 1799. His doctoral thesis, "Cospirazione e Rivoluzione: origine, progetti e pratiche dei patrioti piemontesi (1789-1796)" won the Prize for historical studies on Eighteen and Nineteen Century Piedmont of the Comitato di Torino dell'istituto per la storia del Risorgimento italiano. He is currently publishing his first monography, entitled I giorni di Bruto: lotta democratica e progetto nazionale nel giacobinismo piemontese, 1789-1799.