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Radical Translations

Dr Arianna Ciula Director & Senior Research Software Analyst

Arianna Ciula

Deputy Director & Senior Research Software Analyst

Director and Senior Research Analyst, King’s Digital Lab (KDL)

Arianna has broad experience in digital humanities research and teaching, research management, and digital research infrastructures. She holds a PhD in Manuscript and Book Studies (digital palaeography, University of Siena), an MA in Applied Computing in the Humanities (King’s College London) and a BA Hons in Communication sciences (computational linguistics, University of Siena). Her personal research interests focuses on the modelling of scholarly digital resources related to primary sources.

Her core role in the Radical Translations project is to manage the scope and specification of requirements in alignment with relevant Research Software Engineering best practices and act as KDL main point of contact for the rest of the research team.

See more information and list of publications.