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Radical Translations

Dr Nigel Ritchie Post-doctoral research associate


Nigel Ritchie obtained his PhD in history at Queen Mary, University of London (QMUL) in 2019. Before that he was a non-fiction writer/editor and a digital consultant for interactive entertainment. His most recent publications include: ‘Jean-Paul Marat versus the public sphere: a question of savoir-faire’, in Cité et citoyenneté des Lumières (Honoré Champion, 2021), 'The French Revolution (British & Irish Literature)' for Oxford Bibliographies (OUP, 2020), and contributions to 30-Second Paris, ed. John Flower (Ivy Press, 2018).About

His thesis explored the biographical sources of the revolutionary journalist-politician Jean-Paul Marat’s radicalism, tracing, in particular, the English influence on his thought. Other research interests include the relationship between history and biography, Enlightenment thought and science, journalism and the public sphere, political violence, and the cross-channel links between England and France during the eighteenth century. In Radical Translations, he is working across archives and digitized texts to track down and identify anonymous and pseudonymous translations across a variety of fields, from abolitionism to women’s rights, as well building up a prosopographical profile of many of the publishers, authors and translators engaged within this pan-European transmission of radical ideas.Biographies