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Radical Translations

Ginestra Ferraro Senior Research Software UI/UX Designer, King's Digital Lab



Senior Research Software UI/UX Designer, King’s Digital Lab (KDL)

Ginestra studied Graphic Design at IED Milan. While working as an Art Director in a few Advertising Companies, she developed an interest in web technologies and became a freelance Creative Designer, mixing her design knowledge with coding experience. She is now a Web Designer / Front-end Developer with over ten years experience in the field. Her interests focus mainly on data visualisations, video interaction with HTML5 and responsive web design. 

Her core role in the Radical Translations project is to coordinate and develop the design process for the public project website in alignment with relevant Research Software Engineering best practices.

For more information see https://www.kdl.kcl.ac.uk/who-we-are/ginestra-ferraro/