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Radical Translations

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  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

A reflection from Voltaire

Authors of source text

François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire


John Thelwall

Related resources

is part of
The Tribune. A periodical publication, consisting chiefly of the political lectures of J. Thelwall
is translation of
Unknown 13 has translation

Summary (extracted citations)

'Human Nature has not arrived at such perfection, as to admit that any Prince shall have a sufficient quality of moderation to be content with all the power it is possible for him to have; wisdom enough to know his own happiness, and goodness sufficient to support the happiness of other, when instrumental to his own'.


Extract from Voltaire from The Tribune (1795, n. 8, p. 184), the journal Thelwall used to publish his speeches. The extract implies better constitutional guarantees are needed in GB to prevent the king from abusing his powers. Given the prosecution of public criticism of the Constitution at the time, it can be considered a radical statement.