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Radical Translations

Rosa Mucignat and Erica J. Mannucci speak about the Italian translations of Fénelon at a translation conference at the University of Ghent

From the organisers:

Metamorphoses places front and centre an important theoretical and methodological question; that is, the textual presence of translators in their translations or the wider network of textual evidence that supports these translations, the recovery of these traces, and their analysis and interpretation. Its aim, then, is to throw new light on the (in)visibility of the translator by assessing how translators make themselves, or are made, (in)visible, and how critics and scholars of translation can trace these efforts. The conference pursues this theme across a variety of genres and cases, so as to explore the translator’s (in)visibility in print-cultural and textual terms, and provides a vital historicising contribution in specifically studying the transition from the early modern to the modern period, a transition which primarily pivots on new cultural roles for translators demanding a further suppression of their presence.

Professor Mannucci and Dr Mucignat's presentation is titled Radical Stages: Francesco Saverio Salfi translator of Marie-Joseph Chénier’s Fénelon

Read more about the conference here