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  • Date
  • False: false attribution such as false place of imprint or false date
  • Fictional place: false imprint contains a fictional, invented place of imprint or date
  • Form: type or genre of writing.
  • Female
  • Male
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  • Noble: person was born noble.
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  • Role: the main role of a person or organization in relation to a resource.
  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

A letter to Mr. Secretary Dundas, in answer to his speech on the late proclamation. Together with two letters addressed to Lord Onslow, Chairman of the meeting at Epsom, June 18, 1792, convened to address His Majesty on the late proclamation


Thomas Paine
James Ridgway

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has translation
Lettre première à M. Henri Dundas, secrétaire d'état translation
has translation
Première lettre à Onslow Cranley, ou à celui qui présidera l'assemblée qui doit se tenir à Epsom, le 18 juin translation
has translation
Seconde lettre à Onslow Cranley, communément appelé Lord Onslow translation


Letter in reaction to Dundas' speech in the House of Commons in the debate about the Royal Proclamation against seditious writings and publications. Dundas cited Paine's Rights of Man among the writings targeted by the proclamation. The letter originally appeared in The Argus and was published by the S.C.I. This edition is followed by two further letters to Lord Cranley Onslow, who organized the meeting at Epsom in support of the proclamation.