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Catéchisme de l'honnête homme, Ou dialogue entre un caloyer et un homme de bien: Traduit du Grec vulgaire par D. J. J. R. C. D. C. D. G.


D. J. J. R. C. D. C. D. G (François-Marie Arouet de Voltaire)

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Catechismo dell'onest'uomo translation


Published originally in 1763 (despite many printed eds having 1764), this work falsely claimed to be translated from ancient Greek by a D.J.J.R.C.D.C.D.G. (Dom Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Ci-Devant Citoyen de Genève). This Catechism, written in the form of a Socratic dialogue between the "honest man" and "Caloyer" (a monk) along with the 'Sermon des Cinquante' is one of Voltaire's most anti-religious texts and was written around the same time as his 'Traité sur la tolérance', with which it shares a number of passages of biblical criticism. It is, however, shorter, and would have been easier to distribute. The ‘catechism’ of the title, used by Voltaire on a number of other occasions (eg 'Chinois', 'Japonais', 'jardinnier' etc.), confirms its intention to "saper le discours chrétien en l’imitant".