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Radical Translations

  • Date
  • False: false attribution such as false place of imprint or false date
  • Fictional place: false imprint contains a fictional, invented place of imprint or date
  • Form: type or genre of writing.
  • Female
  • Male
  • Language
  • Noble: person was born noble.
  • Place
  • Role: the main role of a person or organization in relation to a resource.
  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Decadimento e rovina del sistema di finanze dell’Inghilterra. Di Tommaso Paine […] Tradotto dall'inglese in francese da F. Lanthenas […] e dal francese in italiano da G. Rasori


Giovanni Rasori

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Decadimento e rovina del sistema di finanze dell’Inghilterra. Di Tommaso Paine […] Tradotto dall'inglese in francese da F. Lanthenas […] e dal francese in italiano da G. Rasori translation has paratext


The epigraph is a sentence pronounced in the National Assembly on the risk of a financial collapse due to a bankruptcy of the national debt. In the preface Rasori reported the claim of Paine of having his work translated in all languages. It was for this reason that Rasori translated the French version of Lanthenas into Italian. Rasori launched an all-encompassing attack against the English constitution and the despicable role of the English crown in joining the other monarchs to crush the French revolution (p.IV-V). Paine's work clearly demonstrated - continued the Italian translator - that Britain was on the verge of a financial collapse due to the excessive exposure caused by loans to the Allies (pp.VI-VII). Paine's aim was to make public this frailty of the British system of finance so that all democrats would not lose hope to win the long war against tyranny. Rasori reminded to the Italian readers that the first people to use loans and bills of exchange were Italians (pp.X-XV). Finally the translator claimed that this was the first work by the British radical to see an Italian version (pp.XV-XVI).