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Radical Translations

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  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Le rovine ossia meditazione sulle rivoluzioni degl'imperi con importanti riflessioni, argomenti e discorsi istorici, morali, politici, e filosofici sull'origine, figliazione, progressi, e diramazione delle idee religiose delle principali nazioni dell'universo. Trasportata nell'Italiano idioma ed accresciuta d'alcune annotazioni dal cittadino Giacinto Barrere


radicalism Giacinto Barrere

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Le rovine ossia meditazione sulle rivoluzioni degl'imperi con importanti riflessioni, argomenti e discorsi istorici, morali, politici, e filosofici sull'origine, figliazione, progressi, e diramazione delle idee religiose delle principali nazioni dell'universo. Trasportata nell'Italiano idioma ed accresciuta d'alcune annotazioni dal cittadino Giacinto Barrere translation has paratext has other edition


The translator, Barrere, praised Volney for his ability to deal with complex topics (philosophy, religion, politics) adopting a clear and common language. The preface contains long extracts taken from the text dealing with the destructive character of tyranny and religious authorities. The translators added his own notes to the footnotes written by Volney. These translator's notes put Volney's work into the context in which it was composed. So when Volney proposed as the best government the constitutional monarchy Barrere explained that this statement was due to the fact that the French author was writing in 1792 (p.140). Other translator's notes included long quotes from the Latin author Pliny (vol.2, pp.33-35; 85, 89-90 , on the mortality of the human soul or the irrational foundations of all religions. Another translator's intervention mentioned the violent repression of atheist, materialist put forward by Christian authorities (vol.2, p.107-108). Besides the translator's notes there are also some notes added by the publisher (Netti) on other texts that were published by the Stamperia de' patrioti d'Italia (vol.2, pp.116-118 advertisement of Riflessioni sul Culto; p.120, vol.2, Barrere's translation of Voltaire's Relation du banissement des Jésuites de la Chine).