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  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Décadence et chute du système des finances de l'Angleterre par Th. Paine. Traduit de l'anglais par F. Lanthenas


François-Xavier Lanthenas

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Décadence et chute du système des finances de l'Angleterre par Th. Paine. Traduit de l'anglais par F. Lanthenas translation has translation has paratext


Lanthenas's translator's preface to Paine's work on England's crumbling economic system, based on commerce and credit, and marred by public debt, rails against 'tyrannical' England and praises Paine as a martyr of liberty and human rights. It goes on to warn French capitalists that they should return money invested abroad to France so that the republic may flourish.

In 'Cosmopolitanism, dissent, and translation' (Bologna: Bononia UP, 2020), Patrick Leech contextualises this translation and suggests that the preface indicates how for Lanthenas, 'translating Paine was one of the principal means of conducting his political activity' (110).