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Radical Translations

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Thomas Payne à la législature et au directoire, ou la justice agraire opposée à la loi et aux privilèges agraires

Authors of source text

Thomas Paine


Anonymous (78)
De l'imprimerie de Pougin (Louis-Isidore Pougin)
Chez la citoyenne Ragouleau (Citoyenne Ragouleau)

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is translation of
Agrarian justice, opposed to agrarian law, and to agrarian monopoly, being a plan for meliorating the condition of man: By creating in every nation a national fund, to pay to every person, when arrived at the age of twenty-one years, the sum of fifteen pounds sterling, to enable him or her to begin the world, and also, ten pounds sterling per annum during life, to every per has translation

Summary (extracted citations)

"Le départ précipité de Thomas Payne ne lui a pas permis de faire traduire, sous ses yeux, cet ouvrage auquel il attachait le plus grand prix. It a chargé un ami de prendre ce soin; c'est au lecteur à juger si le plan que renferme cet ouvrage, est digne de la publicité qu'on lui donne".

Held by


The 6pp address to the Directory is longer than the one in the other translation.

Translation not supervised by Paine due to his hurried departure. A note indicates that as Paine valued this work highly he had entrusted it to a friend (possibly Bonneville?). It leaves it up to the reader to judge whether the work is worthy of all the publicity it has attracted. A German translation based on this edition was published in 1798 (Neustrelitz).

For a detailed account of the history of this text, see Brent Ranalli, "Thomas Paine's "neglected" pamphlet: Agrarian Justice", in Journal for the Study of Radicalism, vol.14, no.1 (spring 2020). For a good account of why two French translations appeared almost simultaneously, see Yannick Bosc, "Agrarian Justice: genesis of the text, editions, translations, French reception" (Oct 2018, 3rd International Conference on Thomas Paine Studies).