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Radical Translations

  • Date
  • False: false attribution such as false place of imprint or false date
  • Fictional place: false imprint contains a fictional, invented place of imprint or date
  • Form: type or genre of writing.
  • Female
  • Male
  • Language
  • Noble: person was born noble.
  • Place
  • Role: the main role of a person or organization in relation to a resource.
  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Marc-Michel Rey


  1. Collection d'anciens évangiles, ou monumens du premier siècle du christianisme, extraits de Fabricius, Grabius et autres savans, par l'abbé B**** has translation publisher
  2. Discours sur l'origine et le fondement de l'inégalité parmi les hommes has translation publisher
  3. Du contrat social ou principes du droit politique has translation publisher
  4. Examen critique de la vie et des ouvrages de Saint Paul: avec une Dissertation sur Saint-Pierre par feu M. Boulanger translation has translation publisher
  5. Histoire critique de Jésus-Christ ou Analyse raisonnée des Évangiles has translation publisher
  6. L'enfer detruit, ou Examen raisonné du dogme de l'étérnité des peines translation has translation publisher
  7. Lettres à Eugénie ou Préservatif contre les préjugés has translation publisher
  8. L'Évangile de la raison, ouvrage posthume de M. D. V. et D. F. has translation publisher



Following an apprenticeship with the Genevan bookseller, Marc-Michel Bousquet, Rey moved to Amsterdam in 1744 where he purchased citizenship and founded his publishing business, combining forces with the publisher, J.F. Bernard after marrying his daughter. He published mainly in French and was Rousseau's main publisher. He also published work by Diderot, d'Holbach, Voltaire and Jean-Paul Marat ('De l'homme') although many of his authors accused him of profiteering from them. He also published scientific periodicals and briefly employed Mirabeau.

For more information, see Georges Bonnant & Jean-Daniel Candaux, 'Le livre genevois sous l'Ancien Régime' (1992, Librairie Droz).