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  • Date
  • False: false attribution such as false place of imprint or false date
  • Fictional place: false imprint contains a fictional, invented place of imprint or date
  • Form: type or genre of writing.
  • Female
  • Male
  • Language
  • Noble: person was born noble.
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  • Role: the main role of a person or organization in relation to a resource.
  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Jean-Baptiste Louvet de Coudray


  1. Appel à l'impartiale postérité, par la Citoyenne Roland, femme du Ministre de L'Intérieur, ou recueil des écrits qu'elle a rédigés, pendant sa détention aux prisons de l'Abbaye et de Sainte-Pélagie has translation publisher
  2. Emilie de Varmont, ou le Divorce Nécessaire, et les Amours du Curé de Sévin: par l'Auteur de Faublas has translation author
  3. Quelques notices pour l'histoire et le récit de mes perils depuis le 31 mai 1793 has translation author publisher
  4. Siècle de la Raison, seconde partie, ou Recherches et réflexions sur la théologie vraie et fabuleuse. Traduit de l'anglais de Thomas Payne translation has paratext publisher


Member of


Son of a stationer, Louvet worked as a bookseller's clerk for Louis-François Prault, before gaining acclaim with the publication of his popular novel, 'Les Amours du chevalier de Faublas' and its sequels (1787, 1788 & 1790). In May 1792, he became editor of the Girondin-subsidized journal 'La Sentinelle' and also wrote for the 'Journal des débats'. After escaping the proscription of the Girondins, he was allowed to resume his seat in the Convention on 8 March 1795 and set up a publishing enterprise with his wife. His widow continued to publish for a few months after his death in 1797, before retiring to Chancy.