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Radical Translations

  • Date
  • False: false attribution such as false place of imprint or false date
  • Fictional place: false imprint contains a fictional, invented place of imprint or date
  • Form: type or genre of writing.
  • Female
  • Male
  • Language
  • Noble: person was born noble.
  • Place
  • Role: the main role of a person or organization in relation to a resource.
  • Subject: content, theme, or topic of a work.
  • Uncertainty: information could not be verified.

Joseph Johnson


  1. Address to the English nation. Translated from the French of J.P. Rabaut de St. Etienne translation publisher
  2. Advice to the privileged orders in the several states of Europe resulting from the necessity and propriety of general revolution in the principle of government, Part I has translation has other edition publisher
  3. A LETTER from M. TURGOT, late comptroller-general of the finances of France translation has paratext publisher
  4. A letter to the National Convention of France, on the defects in the Constitution of 1791, and the extent of the amendments which ought to be applied: To which is added The conspiracy of kings, a poem. By Joel Barlow, author of Advice to the privileged orders; and The vision of Columbus has translation has other edition publisher
  5. An account of the life of Sieyès, member of the first National Assembly, and of the Convention. Written at Paris, in Messidor, the second year of the Republican Æra, June and July, 1794. Translated from the French. Published in Switzerland, 1795 translation has paratext publisher
  6. An address to the opposers of the repeal of the Corporation and Test Acts publisher
  7. An appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the interior, or, a Collection of tracts written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pelagie, in Paris. Translated from the French original translation has other edition publisher
  8. An appeal to impartial posterity, by Madame Roland, wife of the minister of the interior, or, a Collection of tracts written by her during her confinement in the prisons of the Abbey, and St. Pelagie, in Paris. Translated from the French original translation publisher
  9. Appendix, containing a translation from the French of the testament of M. Fortune Ricard, teacher of arithmetic at D---. Read and published at the COURT of BAILIWICK of that Town, the 19th of AUGUST, 1784 translation publisher
  10. A vindication of the rights of woman, with strictures on political and moral subjects has translation publisher
  11. Avis aux ordres privilégiés, dans les divers états de l'Europe, tiré de la nécessité, dans le sens proprement dit, d'une révolution génèrale dans le principe du gouvernement. Par Joël Barlow translation publisher
  12. Circular to the state society of the CINCINNATI has translation publisher
  13. Civic Sermons to the People has translation publisher
  14. Considerations on the order of Cincinnatus, to which are added, as well several original papers relative to that institution, as also a letter from the late M. Turgot, comptroller of the finances in France, to Dr. Price, on the constitutions of America, and an abstract on Dr. Price's Observations on the importance of the American Revolution. With notes and reflections upon that work. Translated from the French of the Count of Mirabeau translation has paratext has other edition publisher
  15. Considérations sur l'ordre de Cincinnatus, ou imitation d'un pamphlet anglo-américain. Par le comte de Mirabeau. Suivies de plusieurs pièces relatives à cette institution, d'une Lettre de feu M. Turgot, Ministre d’Etat en France, au Docteur Price, sur les législations américaines & de la traduction d’un pamphlet du Docteur Price, intitulé Observations on the importance of the American Revolution and the means of making it a benefit to the world, accompagnée de réflexions & de notes du traducteur translation has translation has paratext publisher
  16. Declaration of the Rights of Man, and of the Citizens, 26th of August, 1789 translation has other edition publisher
  17. First address of the National Assembly to their constituents, decreed 28th Sept. 1789 translation has other edition publisher
  18. Lectures on history and general policy, to which is prefixed an essay on a course of liberal education for civil and active life has translation publisher
  19. Letters, containing an account of the late Revolution in France, and observations on the constitution, lands, manners and institutions of the English. Written during the author's residence at Paris, Versailles, and London, in the years 1789 and 1790. Translated from the German of Henry Frederic Groenvelt translation has paratext publisher
  20. Letters on the Revolution of France, and on the new constitution established by the National Assembly, occasioned by the publications of the Right Hon. Edmund Burke, M.P. and Alexander de Calonne, illustrated with a chart of the new constitution. To which is added, an appendix, containing original papers, addressed to Sir John Sinclair, by Thomas Christie translation has paratext publisher
  21. Letters to the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, occasioned by his Reflections on the Revolution in France, &c. By Joseph Priestley has translation publisher
  22. LETTRE CIRCULAIRE addressée au Sociétés d'Etat par l'ordre des CINCINNATI par l'Assemblée Générale convoquée à Philadelphie le 3 Mai 1784, signée du Général Washington en sa qualité de Président translation has paratext publisher
  23. LETTRE de M. TURGOT, Ministre d'État en France, écrite à M. le Docteur PRICE, de Paris, le 22 Mars, 1778 has translation publisher
  24. Maria, or the Wrongs of Women has translation publisher
  25. Memoirs of Mr. Henry Masers de Latude, containing an account of his confinement thirty-five years in the state prisons of France, and of the stratagems he adopted to escape, once from the Bastille, and twice from the Castle of Vincennes, with the sequel of those adventures translation has paratext publisher
  26. Memoirs of the author of A vindication of the rights of woman publisher
  27. Narrative, of a five years' expedition, against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772, to 1777. Elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, viz. quadrupedes, birds fishes, reptiles, trees, shrubs, fruits, & roots. With an account of the Indians of Guiana, & Negroes of Guinea. By Captn. J.G. Stedman. Illustrated with 80 elegant engravings designed from nature drawings by the author has translation publisher
  28. Narrative of the dangers to which I have been exposed since the 31st May, 1793. With historical memorandums. By John-Baptist Louvet de Couvray translation publisher
  29. New and old principles of trade compared, or, A treatise on the principles of commerce between nations, with an appendix has translation publisher
  30. Notes détachées sur l'ouvrage de M. le Docteur Price publisher
  31. Observations sur l'importance de la révolution de l'Amérique, et sur les moyens de la rendre utile au monde translation has paratext publisher
  32. On the Importance of Religious Opinions translation publisher
  33. Original stories from real life, with conversations calculated to regulate the affections, and form the mind to truth and goodness has translation publisher
  34. Outlines of an historical view of the progress of the human mind, being a posthumous work of the late M. de Condorcet. Translated from the French translation has other edition publisher
  35. Quelques notices pour l'histoire et le récit de mes perils depuis le 31 mai 1793 has translation publisher
  36. Réflexions sur l'ouvrage précédent publisher
  37. Sur la liberté civile & sur la guerre de l'Amérique translation publisher
  38. The Age of Reason. Being an Investigation of True and Fabulous Theology has translation has other edition publisher
  39. The Analytical Review publisher
  40. The complaints of the poor people of England has translation publisher
  41. The French constitution, with remarks on some of its principal articles, in which their importance in a political, moral and religious point of view is illustrated and the necessity of a reformation in church and state in Great Britain, enforced translation publisher
  42. The Life of M. Turgot, Comptroller General of the Finances of France, in the Years 1774, 1775, and 1776; Written by the Marquis of Condorcet, of the French Academy of Sciences; and Translated from the French with an Appendix. translation has paratext publisher
  43. The ruins, or a survey of the revolutions of empires, by M. Volney. Translated from the French translation has other edition publisher
  44. The victim of prejudice has translation publisher
  45. Translation of a letter from Mr de Tracy, member of the French National Assembly, to Mr Burke, in answer to his remarks in the House of Commons on the French Revolution translation publisher


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