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Radical Translations

How to cite the Radical Translations database and website

The material on the Radical Translations website is available to all for free, provided that the resource is acknowledged in every instance.

How to cite the digital resource (database of bibliographic resources, persons, places, organisations, events):

  • For the digital resource as a whole, please use:

Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815), ed. by Brecht Deseure, Erica J. Mannucci, Jacob McGuinn, Rosa Mucignat, Sanja Perovic, Nigel Ritchie, Niccolò Valmori, technical ed. Arianna Ciula, Ginestra Ferraro, Tiffany Ong, Miguel Vieira. Available at: https://radicaltranslations.org/database/ (accessed 16 Jun 2022).

  • For individual entries, add the entry’s title (in quotation marks) and URL:

‘Thomas Paine’, Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815), ed. by Brecht Deseure, Erica J. Mannucci, Jacob McGuinn, Rosa Mucignat, Sanja Perovic, Nigel Ritchie, Niccolò Valmori, technical ed. Arianna Ciula, Ginestra Ferraro, Tiffany Ong, Miguel Vieira. Available at: https://radicaltranslations.org/database/agents/1186/ (accessed 16 Jun 2022).

  • For the datasets (available to download as a set of 5 cvs files):

‘Datasets’, Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815), ed. by Brecht Deseure, Erica J. Mannucci, Jacob McGuinn, Rosa Mucignat, Sanja Perovic, Nigel Ritchie, Niccolò Valmori, technical ed. Arianna Ciula, Ginestra Ferraro, Tiffany Ong, Miguel Vieira. Available at:

https://radicaltranslations.org/media/data.zip (accessed 18 Aug 2022).

How to cite the project and other content on the project website:

  • For the project and the website as a whole:

Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815). Sanja Perovic (PI) et al. (King’s College London, 2019-2023), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. Available at: https://radicaltranslations.org (accessed 16 Jun 2022).

  • Citations of blog posts should indicate the individual author, title and year specific to the entry:

Jacob McGuinn, ‘On Collaborative Translation: an Interview with Cristina Viti’, Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815) (King’s College London, 2022). Available at: https://radicaltranslations.org/blog/on-collaborative-translation-an-interview-with-cristina-viti/ (accessed 16 Jun 2022).

  • For individual pages of the website, add the page title (in quotation marks) and URL:

‘Editorial Handbook’, Radical Translations: The Transfer of Revolutionary Culture between Britain, France and Italy (1789-1815), Sanja Perovic (PI) et al. (King’s College London, 2019-2023). Available at https://radicaltranslations.org/about/database/editorial-handbook/ (accessed 16 Jun 2022).